김은지 / Eun Ji Kim
김수현 / Sue Hyon Kim
서울대 음대졸업,
New England Conservatory of Music 석사
Northwestern University(전문 연주자과정 졸)
뉴욕주립대 Stony Brook 박사 (전액장학생)
미국 Judson University, Elgin College 강사역임
Valley Civic Orchestra 악장역임
Chicago Canaan Music School 교장역임
Society of American Musicians 콩쿨 1위입상,
동아콩쿨 실내악부문 1위입상
현 서울대학교, 예원학교, 서울예고 출강,
나메앙상블 악장, 하늠앙상블 단원
Violinist Sue Hyon Kim won the First Prize in the Society of American Musicians Competition, the Louis Kreisner Award, and the Dong-A Daily Newspaper Competition. She has performed with Korean Broadcasting Orchestra, Gangnam Symphony, Aspen Festival Orchestra, Valley Civic Orchestra, Northwestern Symphony Orchestra, and CIFM Orchestra. Sue Hyon has graduated from Seoul National University and received her master’s degree at New England Conservatory of Music. She received a Certificate in Performance degree from Northwestern University and a doctoral degree from State University of New York at Stony Brook. Sue Hyon has served as the founding director of Canaan Music School in Glenview, IL, and has taught at the String Academy for Gifted Youth at Northwestern University, and served as a faculty member at Judson University and Elgin College. Currently, Sue Hyon teaches violin performance at Seoul Arts High School, Yewon Arts School, and Seoul National University. She is an active member of Hanum Chamber Ensemble and leader of NAME ensemble.