박강현 / Gang-Hyeon Park
광주예고, 서울대학교 졸업
KBS 한전음악콩쿠르 2위, 동아음악콩쿠르 입상
TIMF 앙상블(지휘:Christoph Poppen), 광주시향, 성남시향, 서울비르투오지 등과 협연
박창수의 <하우스콘서트> 수 회 출연
현, 서울대학교 음악대학 석사과정 재학 중, SNUtuosi 리더,
Bachir Chamber Orchestra 리더, 서울비르투오지 단원
Gang-Hyeon Park graduated Gwang-Ju Arts High School and got a Bachelor degree at Seoul National University.
When he studied in the College, he served as a concertmaster of SNU Symphony Orchestra.
Gang-Hyeon won several competitons. The name of competitions are ‘KBS Music Competition’
and ‘Dong-A Music Competition’, which are most competitive music competitions in South Korea.
Also, he made his debut concert with Gwang-Ju Symphony Orchestra when he was 15 years old.
After the time, he performed many of concertos with Seoul Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra,
TIMF Ensemble(conductor: christopher Poppen), and Seoung-Nam SymphonyOrchestra.
Nowadays, He is attending Seoul National University as a Master student with Prof. Kyung-Sun Lee.
Furthemore, Gang-Hyeon works as a leader of SNUtuosi Chamber Orchestra and
Bachir Chamber orchestra, and he is a member of Seoul Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra as well.