박지현 / Jihyun Park
줄리아드 음대 예비학교/학사/석사 (강효 교수)
Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra 콩쿨 솔로 대상&협연
베벌리 힐즈 Audition 입상- 알란트 트리오
제 7회 멜본 국제 실내악 콩쿨Int'l - Top 8 Finalists
소니 Classical 음반 발매- 알란트 트리오
카네기 Weill Recital Hall & Alice Tully 링컨센터 연주
예술의 전당 성남시향 협연- 베토벤 트리플 콘체르토, 양주 시립교향악단 협연 바이올린 솔로
아스펜 국제 음악제 연주시리즈 참여, Norfolk Chamber Music Festival 초청 연주
한국음악협회-한국음악상 “신인음악상"
현 세종솔로이스츠, 화음쳄버오케스트라, 다비드 퀄텟, Allant Trio, 선화예술학교 출강
Violinist Anna Jihyun Park studied with Professor Hyo Kang at Juilliard's Pre-College Division at age 13,
where she learned many solo pieces and developed a keen interest and extensive repertoire
in chamber music. She received her bachelor's and master's degrees at Juilliard
and was the recipient of many scholarships including the Samsung Award and the
Korean Cultural Service New York Scholarship.
She won the grand prize at the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra Competition.
Her active piano trio, Allant Trio also won the prize for Beverly Hills Auditions
and was selected as top 8 finalists at International Melbourne Chamber Music Competition.
The group also made a debut album with Sony Classical and made following appearances
at renown stages such as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and Seoul Arts Center.
As a member of the Sejong Soloists, Ms. Park regularly performed and toured with the group internationally.
Ms. Park is apparently a concertmaster of Pyeongtaek Harmony Chamber Orchestra,
an active member of Hwaum Chamber Orchestra and David Quartet.
She is also a faculty of Sunhwa Arts School where she teaches violin technique and coaches the orchestra.