송지원 / Ji-won Song
서울예고, 서울대학교 음악대학 학사 및 석사 졸업, 독일 쾰른 국립음대 최고연주자과정(Konzertexamen)졸업
세계일보콩쿨 대상, 조선일보 콩쿨, KBS 신인음악콩쿨,
The Canetti International Violin Competition 등 다수의 콩쿨 입상
KBS교향악단, 서울대 음대 교향악단, 서울바로크합주단, 대전시향,
Saima Sinfonietta, Virtuosi Brunnis, 몰도바 국립방송교향악단 등 국내외 다수의 오케스트라와 협연
독일 함부르크 심포니 수석, 뒤셀도르프 심포니 수석 역임
현, 한양대 겸임교수, 예원, 서울예고, 선화예고, 계원예고 출강,
화음쳄버오케스트라, 서울 비르투오지 챔버 단원
Ji-won Song graduated at Seoul Arts High School. After graduation, she got the
Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree at Seoul National University in Korea.
Since then, she finished Konzertexamen course at Cologne Musikhochschule in Germany.
She won the grand prize at Segye-ilbo Competition, Chosun-ilbo Competition,
KBS young artist competition, and the Canetti International Violin Competition.
Song performed with many of principal Orchestras in Korea.
Which are KBS Symphony Orchestra, Seoul National University Symphony Orchestra,
Daejoen Philharmonic, Prime Philharmonic as well as Saaima Sinfonietta,
Virtuosi Brunnis, and the National Symphony Orchestra of TELERADIO-MOLDOVA in Europe.
Also, she served as a principal position at Hamburg Symphoniker and Duesseldorf Symphoniker in Germany.
Currently, she is teaching at Hanyang Universitiy, Yewon School, Seoul Arts
High School, Sun-wha Arts High School, Gye-won Arts High School.