양지욱 / Jiwook Yang
한국예술종합학교, 독일 Freiburg 음대 (ASD)최고 연주자 과정 졸업
해외파견음협콩쿠르, KBS 신인음악콩쿠르, 중앙음악콩쿠르, 일본 Vivahall Cello Competition 입상
KBS 교향악단, 인천시향, 전주시향, 대전실내악축제 Suren Bagratuni 와 협연
금호 영 아티스트, 독일 Bad Nauheim 초청 독주회 (Wilhelmskirche )
정경화 체임버오케스트라 전국 순회 연주, 피아니스트 Klaus Hellwig, 이미주와 금호아트홀 실내악연주
인천시향수석역임, Cellista 첼로앙상블 멤버, 예원학교, 선화예중, 서울예고, 출강
현, 인천시향 차석
Jiwook Yang studied with Myung-wha Chung at the Korean National University of Arts in Seoul.
he won of the KBS Music Competition, the Korean Music Society Competition and
the Joong-ang Daily Newspaper Competition in Seoul. He then studied with Prof.
Christoph Henkel at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg in Germany.
He awarded at the ViaHall Cello Competition in Hyogo Japan.
He had many concerts as a soloist with KBS Symphony Orchestra, Jeonju Philharmonic Orchestra,
Incheon Philhamonic Orchestra and concerts tour with violinist Kyung-Wha Chung through South Korea.
In 2012, has performed chamber music with Prof. Klaus Hellwig and Mi-kyung Lee.
he currently holds assistant principal cello at the In-cheon Philharmonic Orchestra.