이근화 / Kunwha Lee
예원,서울예고 수석입학
소년한국일보,음연,TBC,CBS,성정,바로크,음악교육신문,이화 경향,부산음악콩쿨 콩쿨 1위
금호영재 오디션합격, 제2회 G.rium 아티스트상 특별상 수상
The Mircourt International Violin Compeition 2nd Prize 9th
Michael Hill International Violin Competition 6th Prize
뮌헨국립음악대학교 학사 & 석사과정 졸업
현 뮌헨국립음악대학교 최고연주자과정 재학 중
Awardee of 2nd Prize of 2011 Mirecourt International Violin Competition, Kunwha Lee
made her debut at Kumho Prodigy Concert when she was 12 years old, showing
the excellent talent. Since then she made her stage career with the Recital of many
times in Kumho, Youngsan and Illsin Hall in Korea. Also she was awarded 6th prize
in Michael Hill International competition and she has won first prize in many of
Korean national competitions such as Busan Music, Ewha&Kyunghyang, Eumag Chunchu,
TBC, CBS Competition etc. She received award of Minister of Culture and
Tourism as a winner of Korean National Student Music Contest.
Kunwha Lee appeared as a solo with many Orchestra as well in Korea.
Upon her completion of the Art high school, she has moved to her next step
in her music studies by attending University of Musik and Performing Arts Munich.