이경민 / Kyung Min Lee
예원학교 졸업, 서울예술고등학교 수석졸업(공로상, 실기우수자상 수상)
서울대학교 우등졸업, Yale University 음악대학 석사 취득(전액장학금 수여)
이화경항 콩쿠르 1위, KCO 콩쿠르 1위,
스트라드 콩쿠르, 난파 콩쿠르, 한독 브람스협회 콩쿠르 입상
National Artist Competition 우승과 함께 James Rotundo Palisades Park Mayor Award 수상,
링컨센터 Bruno Walter Auditorium 에서 Winner's Recital
현 서울대학교 박사과정 재학중
인천예술고등학교 실기강사
Originally from Seoul, South Korea, violinist Kyung Min Lee graduated from the Yale
School of Music with her Master of Music degree in 2017. Prior to Yale, Kyung Min
graduated from the Seoul Arts High School with the highest score and was awarded the
“Achievement Award” in the violin department after winning the Ewha Kyunghyang
Competition. She received her Bachelor of Music degree from Seoul National University,
where she graduated Cum Laude. She has attended the Tanglewood, Sarasota, Music Alps,
and Sejong Music Festivals. Kyung Min has won awards in many competitions, such as
being named the winner of the National Artists Competition and the “James Rotundo
Palisades Park Mayor Award” which as a result, she gave a solo performance at Lincoln
Center’s Bruno Walter Auditorium. Recently, she returned to her hometown and is
currently pursuing her Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Seoul National University.