정승원 / Seungwon Chung

선화예술중, 고등학교, 서울대학교 음악대학 학사졸업

New England Conservatory 석사졸업

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 박사졸업


금호영아티스트 시리즈, Artist Presentation Society 등 초청연주

서울대학교 음악대학 현악오케스트라. 춘천시향. 러시아 생피터스필, Jupiter String Quartet 등 국내외 실내악단 및 오케스트라 협연


부산음악콩쿠르, 세계일보 콩쿠르, 미국 Southern Illinois Young Artist Competition, Allerton Music Barn Festival Competition 등 국내외 콩쿠르 다수 1 위 및 입상


프라임 필하모닉 오케스트라, 충북도립교향악단 객원수석 및 Sinfonia da Camera 객원단원 역임


현, TIMF 앙상블 객원단원, ICMC 대구컴퓨터음악제 현대음악 연주 등 다양한 연주활동 및 서울대 대학원에서 특강(윤이상 첼로주법)

Seungwon Chung, cellist, was a winner of several prizes and competitions in her native Seoul at a very young age. She was awarded a scholarship to study at Seoul National University from which she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in 2009. Thereafter she studied at the New England

Conservatory of Music on a scholarship and obtained a Master of Music degree in 2013 under the tutelage of the distinguished cellist, Laurence Lesser.

Her outstanding musical ability earned her a full scholarship at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2013 here she is working on her Doctor of Music Arts degree with Dmitri Kouzov.

She has the honor of being selected to play the Brahms Sextet with the Jupiter String Quartet in September 2014.

“Seungwon is the most accomplished cellist I have known since my time as a professor at the University of Illinois. She plays with unsurpassed technical command and poetic sense of musical phrase”.

Daniel McDonough, founding member of the Jupiter String Quartet.