김예진 / Ye Jin Kim

예원, 서울예고 수석졸업. 서울대학교 재학 중 도미, 

Curtis Institute of Music 졸업

예원학교 음악상 수상, 세계일보 콩쿨, 국민일보 콩쿨, 

바로크합주단 콩쿨, 음악교육신문사 콩쿨 1위

Madrid Chamber Orchestra, L.A Choral Orchestra, 

연세대학교 대학원 정기연주회 협연

Field Concert Hall, 금호영아티스트 독주회 개최

KCO, 원코리아유스오케스트라 단원 역임

현, 연세대학교 석박사통합 재학중

Ye Jin Kim is currently a violist studying at Yonsei University. She graduated Curtis Institute of Music under the tutelage of Joseph DePasquale and Hsin-Yun Hwang. Prior to her admittance to Curtis in 2011, Ms. Kim attended the Seoul
National University after graduating from Seoul Arts High School in 2010. Ms. Kim made her solo debut in 2006 performing Stamitz viola concerto with Madrid Chamber Orchestra. Since then, Ms. Kim has received several accoloades, placing first in several competitions including the Korean Chamber Orchestra Competition, the Music Education News Competition, Gookmin Ilbo Competition, and the Sagye Ilbo Competition, all held in South Korea. In 2009, she again received the first place award in the Korea Senior Symphony Orchestra Music Competition. She later went on to be the recipient of the Kumho Young Artist Award in 2011. Ms. Kim has performed with The Madrid Chamber Orchestra, Korea Senior Symphony Orchestra, Camerata Seoul Ensemble, Yonsei University, Seoul National University Symphony Orchestra and the Curtis Symphony Orchestra. She has an experience of substitute violist in Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra.