주연경 / Yeon-Kyung Joo
서울대학교 박사과정 수료, 맨하탄 음대 전문연주자, 라이스음대석사,
한국예술종합학교 영재입학, 서울예고 졸업
서울예고 실기우수상,Dorothy Richard Starling ,Larry J Livinston Prize in Violin 장학금 수여
아트실비아 실내악 콩쿠르 대상, 2013예술의 전당 아티스트로 선발,
Mid Texas Young Artist competition 1위
KBS교향악단, Great Newburgh Symphony Orchestra, Bergen Symphony Orchestra,
Mid Texas Symphony orchestra, 코리안심포니오케스트라(예술의 전당11시 콘서트),
성남시립교향악단, 연세심포니에타,등 협연
중국 Ningbo Cultureland Arts Center 초청 마스터클래스
현 서울시립교향악단 제1바이올린 부수석,주트리오, 하임콰르텟, Seoul Virtuosi 맴버,
예원,서울예고 출강, 포네클래식 음악감독, Enob재단 이사
As avid chamber musician and a soloist, violinist Yeon-Kyung Joo was
selected as an artist of Seoul Arts Center in 2013, and won the ArtSylvia audition.
She was invited to Seoul Spring Chamber music Festival.
Ms. Joo also won many competitions including the Mid Texas Young Artist competition,
Arthur Balsam Duo Competition, JM Audition for Young Artists, Chun-chu Competition,
and KumHo Young Artist Audition. And also she has appeared with orchestras
in Korea such as Korean Symphony Orchestra(Seoul Arts Center),
KBS Symphony Orchestra (Tour in Korea), Sungnam Symphony Orchestra,
and in USA , Newburg Symphony Orchestra, Bergen Symphony Orchestra,
Mid Texas Symphony Orchestra. Ms. Joo was invited many times to appear in recital series.
Since then, she has appeareds recitalist to much critical acclaim.
Currently associate principal of Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra and a member of Joo Trio,
Heim Quartet, and Seoul Virtuosi ensemble.