김연진 / Yeonjin Kim

서울대 학사

일본 도호음악원 디플롬

미국 클리브랜드 음악원 석사 

미시간 대학교 박사 졸업


미국 Sorantin International Competition, 

오스트리아 Dichler-Sato Competition, 

일본 Viva Hall Cello Competition 등 입상
미국 Bossart Award 수상


미국 미시간 대학교, 

오벌린대학교와 펄만대학교 객원교수로 출강역임, 

줄리어드음대 등 마스터클래스 교수로 초청

현, 서울비르투오지, 트리오K, 

화음챔버, 앙상블 그리오 멤버, 

예원, 선화예중, 서울예고, 

선화예고, 덕원예고 출강

Cellist Yeonjin Kim has featured as a recitalist and chamber musician across the U.S., Europe, Japan, China and her native Korea and made concerto appearances with numerous orchestras in Cleveland, Ann Arbor, Breckenridge and Seoul. An acclaimed chamber musician, Ms. Kim appears as a member of sisters ensemble-Trio K, Seoul Virtuosi in Korea. As a dedicated teacher, she was a guest instructor at Univerisy of Michigan, Oberlin College of Music and Furman University, and has been invited to give masterclasses at many major schools and festivals including the Juilliard School. Ms. Kim’s multiple prizes and awards include the Sorantin International competition, Bossart Award, Austria’s Dichler-Sato competition, Japan’s Viva Hall competition, and the Korean Philharmonic Orchestra Competition. Yeonjin Kim graduated from Seoul National University in Korea and moved to Japan to study at Toho Gakuen with Ko Iwasaki. She received Master and Doctoral degree at the Cleveland Institute of Music and the University of Michigan under Richard Aaron where she was a teaching assistant to him.