박용은 / Yong-Eun Park
프라하 음악원수학
현 KCO객원,화음챔버 객원, 고상지 탱고밴드멤버, 시네마틱 재즈 트리오 멤버,
필스트링 멤버, ACP챔버단원, 플레이어즈 오케스트라수석, 모던타임즈 재즈앙상블 멤버
The Violist Yong-Eun Park studied in Kei-myung University which music school course is
exchanging with Chopin Academy in Poland. After graduation, he started Master Degree in
the Praha conservatory with Prof. Karel Dolezal, who is the founder of the Dolezal string quartet.
Yong-Eun Park is a member of the Korean Chamber Orchestra, Hwaum Chamber Orchestra,
tango band which named as sang ji koh, Cinematic Jazz Trio, Phil String Ensemble,
The Players Orchestra, ACP Chamber Orchestra and the Modern Times Jazz Ensemble.