조용우 / Yong-woo Cho

서울대 더블베이스 최초 수시입학 및 졸업
독일 Köln 국립음대에서 Graduate Diploma 및 

Master of Music과정 졸업

음악저널콩쿨 대상, 

바로크콩쿨 전체대상, 동아콩쿨 1위

JK앙상블, LARS앙상블, 

The Bridge스트링앙상블, 화음체임버, 

서울비르투오지 정단원

현 숙명여대, 강원대, 세종대, 전남대 강사, 

서울예고, 예원학교, 계원예고 출강

현악전문월간지 The Strad 객원필자 

'콘트라베이스 연주자 조용우의 Für die Bassisten' 칼럼연재

Cho, Yong-woo graduated Kaiwon Arts High School, and Seoul National University at the top of the college in performance test and served as a Principal of Seoul National University Symphony Orchestra. He was as guest solo bassist at Buchon Phiharmonic Orchestra, Gwangju Symphony Orchestra, Gwacheon Symphony Orchestra. And now currently guest solo bassist at Cheonan Phiharmonic Orchestra, Chungbuk Symphony Orchestra and many others in Korea. He gave his solo invitation recital at Seoul Arts Center in Korea and his soloist  appearance includes with Korean Chamber orchestra, Suwon Philharmonic, Hyup String Ensemble, LARS Ensemble, Player’s Philharmonie Orchestra. He is Member of ensemble The Bridge, Hwaum chamber orchestra, Seoul Virtuose ensemble, JK ensemble, LARS ensemble, EL MUSIC Group. 

He is currently a lecturer of Sookmyung women's University, Sejong University, Kangwon National University, Cheonnam National University, Yewon School, Seoul Arts High School, 

Kaiwon Arts High School. He serialized the column for half a year as a guest writer of Strad.