신윤경 / Yoon Kyung Shin
예원학교, 서울예고, 서울대학교 우등 졸업, 뉴잉글랜드 음악원 석사,
줄리어드 음대 전문연주자과정, 스토니부룩 뉴욕주립대 박사 졸업
Svirél 국제콩쿨, Stonybrook 협주콩쿨, 부천시향 신인음악회,
Trinity Church Recital 오디션우승 및 연주, American Protégé 국제콩쿨,
London Grand Prize Virtuoso 국제콩 쿨 1위 수상
Opera I Filharmonia Podlaska, Sofia State Symphony Orchestra,
원주시향, 대구시향, KT챔버오케스트라 등 다수 협연
영국 Prussia Cove OCM, 독일 Schleswig-Holstein, 한국 스프링실내악축제,
Ensemble Ditto의 Different Ditto 공연,
미국 Music at Menlo, Sarasota, Silicon Valley, 캐나다 Banff 등 다수 음악 페스티벌 초청 및 연주
현, 국민대학교 예술대학 조교수
Korean violist Yoon Kyung Shin has appeared as soloist as the winner of Svirél
International Music Competition, Stonybrook Concerto Competition,
Bucheon Philharmonic Young Artist Concert Audition,
New York Trinity Church 'Recitals at One' Series Audition,
and holds a 1st Prize award from American Protégé International Piano and Strings Competition,
and London Grand Prize Virtuoso Competition.
She has soloed with numerous orchestras worldwide, such as the Opera I Filharmonia Podlaska,
Sofia State Symphony Orchestra, Wonju Philharmonic Orchestra, Daegu Philharmonic Orchestra,
and KT Chamber Orchestra. Shin has been invited to perform at the Prussia Cove OCM(England),
Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival(Germany, Brazil), Seoul Spring Festival of Chamber Music,
Ensemble DITTO’s ‘Different DITTO’ Concert(Korea),
Music at Menlo, Sarasota, Silicon Valley Music Festival, (U.S), and Banff Masterclass for Strings.
She has graduated with honors from Yewon School, Seoul Arts High School,
Seoul National University and holds a Master of Music degree from New England Conservatory,
a Graduate Diploma from Juilliard School, and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from SUNY at Stonybrook.
Currently, Shin is an Assistant Professor at Kookmin University.